The Influence of Transgression Types on Apology Strategy Choices of Turkish Preschool Children

19th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (17.08.2018 - 19.08.2018)

Özge Gül Zerey

2018 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
Acquisiton of Pragmatic Rules: The Use of Apologies by Preschool Children

17th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, (03.09.2014 - 05.09.2014)

Özge Gül Zerey

2014 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
A View of Post-World-War Social Life in England: A Study of Arden’s Live Like Pigs”

Literary London 2009 Representations of London in Literature, An Interdisciplinary Conference, Queen Mary University (09.07.2009 - 10.07.2009)

Özge Gül Zerey

2009 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
“Drama Application as an Influential Motive in ELT”

2nd International Conference on Literature, Languages & Linguistics (13.06.2009 - 16.06.2009)

Özge Gül Zerey

2009 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
ELT Students’ Perspectives on A Performative Approach to the Study of Theater in Literature Courses”

4th International IDEA Conference (15.04.2009 - 17.04.2009)

Özge Gül Zerey

2009 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
“A Search for Historical Document: A Study on Arden’s Live Like Pigs”

Communicating Change: Weaving the Web into the Future 7th Annual Conference of the Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities, University of Glasgow (08.06.2009 - 10.06.2009)

Özge Gül Zerey

2009 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
Voices from EFL Instructors: Attitudes and Perceptions Regarding Self-Directed Professional Development”

1st International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Exploring the challenges and opportunities in Linguistics and English Language Teaching (ELT) (27.03.2014 - 29.03.2014)

Özge Gül Zerey

2014 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
“Impact of Theater Production on ELT Students’Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety”.

The 5th International ELT Research Conference: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice (23.05.2008 - 25.05.2008)

Özge Gül Zerey

2008 Özet bildiri Sözlü Sunum
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