Role of cytokine gene polymorphisms on ramipril-altered inflammatory response and myocardial injury in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery
CUKUROVA MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 436–445
Meral Urhan Küçük, Kk Karaca, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Seyhan Şahan Fırat, Özden Vezir, Necmiye Canacankatan, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Bahar Tunçtan, Ss Erden, Sema Erden, Nehir Sucu
The decisive role of red cell distribution width in carotid endarterectomy patients
Nehir Sucu, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Murat Özeren
Usefulness of elevated red cell distribution width for predicting systemic inflammatory response syndrome after extracorporeal circulation
PERFUSION-UK, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 580–586
Nehir Sucu, İclal Gürses, Murat Özeren, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Neslihan Yücel, Özden Vezir, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Meltem Serin, Haldun Şükrü Erkal, Rahime Akın
Role of ACE I/D gene polymorphisms on the effect of ramipril in inflammatory response and myocardial injury in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafts
Meral Küçük Urhan, Meral Urhan Küçük, Nehir Sucu, Seyhan Şahan Fırat, Özden Vezir, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Bn Aytaçoğlu, Necmiye Canacankatan, Ca Bozali, Caner Bozali, Bahar Tunçtan, Semra Kul, Seval Kul
Pressure applied during surgery alters the biomechanical properties of human saphenous vein graft
HEART AND VESSELS, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 237–245
Necla Öztürk, Nehir Sucu, Ülkü Çömelekoğlu, Banu Coşkun Yılmaz, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Özden Vezir
Affirmative Effects of Iloprost on Apoptosis during Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Kidney as a Distant Organ
Renal Failure, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 111–118
Necmiye Canacankatan, Nehir Sucu, Seyhan Şahan Fırat, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Oe Gül, Oğuz Gül, Oğuz Emre Gül, Oğuz Emre Gül, Şerife Efsun Antmen, Ayşegül Görür, B Korkmaz, Lokman Ayaz, Belma Korkmaz, Fırat S Sahan, Bahar Tunçtan, Özden Vezir, Es Antmen, Şakir Necat Yılmaz, O Vezir, Emine Arzu Kanık, Semra Erdoğan
Citric acid as a decalcifying agent for the excised calcified human heart valves
Necmi Köse, N Köse, Özden Vezir, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Barlas Naim Aytacoglu, Necat Yilmaz, N Yılmaz, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Lülüfer Tamer, Banu Coskun, B Çoşkun, Ozden Vezir, Nehir Sucu, Murat Dikmengil
Prevention of calcification with TPEN in pericardial bioprosthetic heart valve material
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 365–370
Hacı Ali Döndaş, N Yılmaz, Ülkü Çömelekoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Nehir Sucu, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Murat Özeren, N Köse, Murat Dikmengil
Comparison and evaluation of experimental mediastinitis models precolonized foreign body implants and bacterial suspension inoculation seems promising
BMC Infectious Diseases, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 76–82
Gülden Ersöz, Aytacoglu Barlas, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Nehir Sucu, L Tamer, Tamer Lulufer, Lülüfer Tamer, Bayindir Ismet, I Bayındır, N Köse, Ismet Bayindir, Ali Kaya, A Kaya, Murat Dikmengil
Alcohol Induced Lung Damage and Increased Oxidative Stress
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Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Mukadder Çalıkoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Banu Coşkun Yılmaz, B Çoşkun, Nehir Sucu, Necmi Köse, N Köse, S Aktaş, Savaş Aktaş, Murat Dikmengil
Hearing loss in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with or without extracorporeal circulation
Medical Science Monitor, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 253–259
Barlas Aytaçoğlu, Cengiz Özcan, Nehir Sucu, Kemal Görür, Oben Döven, Handan Camdeviren, Necmi Köse, Murat Dikmengil
Angiographic and clinical outcome following Paclitaxel eluting stent taxus implantation
International Heart Journal, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 1–12
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Combined Therapy of Teicoplanin and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester CAPE in the Treatment of Experimental Mediastinitis in the Rat
Journal of Chemotherapy, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 268–277
Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Gülden Ersöz, Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, B Çoşkun, I Oğuz, I Bayındır, N Köse, Murat Özeren, Murat Dikmengil
Two stage EDTA anti calcification method for bioprosthetic heart valve materials
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Nehir Sucu, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, K Karaca, Şakir Necat Yılmaz, N Yılmaz, Ülkü Çömelekoğlu, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Murat Özeren, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Y Oğuz, İzzet Oğuz, O Öğenler, Oya Ögenler, Murat Dikmengil
loprost for the attenuation of ischaemia reperfusion injury in a distant organ
Cell Biochem Funct, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 341–346
Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, A Polat, A Gül, U Değirmenci, U Mavioğlu, Murat Dikmengil
The influence of iloprost on acute lung injury induced by hind limb ischemia reperfusion in rats
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 235–241
Mehmet Oğuz Köksel, Ali Özdülger, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, A Polat, Ayşe Polat, Nehir Sucu, C Yıldırım, Çağlar Yıldırım, U Değirmenci, Ulaş Değirmenci, Emine Arzu Kanık
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester CAPE supplemented St Thomas hospital cardioplegic solution improves the antioxidant defense system of rat myocardium during ischemia reperfusion injury
Pharmacological Research, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 258–263
Murat Özeren, Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, O Bayri, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Lokman Ayaz, Murat Dikmengil
Primary Aorto-colic Fistula Arising from a Post-traumatic Aortic Pseudoaneurysm
İlhan Mavioğlu, Nehir Sucu, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Murat Dikmengil
The effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on calcific degeneration in bovine pericardium
Heart and Vessels, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 89–93
Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Ayşe Polat, A Polat, Ayş Polat, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Ali Gül, Mehmet Burak Yavuz Çimen, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik, A Gül, U Atik, Uğur Atik
N-Acetylcysteine for Preventing Pump-Induced Oxidoinflammatory Response During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Surgery Today, vol. 34, no. 34, pp. 237–242
Nehir Sucu, İsmail Hakkı Cinel, Ali Ünlü, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik
The role of N Acetylcysteine in preventing pump induced oxidoinflammatory response during cardiopulmonary bypass
Surg Today, vol. , no. 34, pp. 237–
Nehir Sucu, İsmail Hakkı Cinel, Ali Ünlü, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Z Koçak, K Karaca, A Gül, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik, Uğur Oral
Inhibition of calcification with citric acid in pericardial bioprosthetic heart valve material
J Heart Valve Dis, vol. , no. 13, pp. 697–
Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, A Polat, Hacı Ali Döndaş, A Gül, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik
Inhibition of calcification with citric acid in pericardialbioprosthetic heart valve material A preliminary report
JOURNAL OF HEART VALVE DISEASE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 697–700
Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Ayşe Polat, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Ali Gül, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik
Alcohol induced lung damage and increased oxidative stress
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Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Mukadder Çalıkoğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Banu Coşkun Yılmaz, Nehir Sucu, Murat Dikmengil, Savaş Aktaş
Impact of invasive strategy for the management of patients with cardiogenic shock after acute myocardial infarction
Coronary Artery Disease, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 361–366
Oben Döven, Mehmet Necdet Akkuş, Necdet Akkuş, Hasan Pekdemir, Ahmet Çamsarı, Hasan Pekdemir, Dilek Çiçek Yılmaz, Emine Arzu Kanık, Nehir Sucu, Nehir Sucu, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Mahmut Tuna Katırcıbaşı, Veli Gökhan Cin
3-Nitrotyrosine in Atherosclerotic Blood Vessels
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Nehir Sucu, Ali Ünlü, Lülüfer Tamer, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Bahadır Ercan, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik
Effects of trimetazidine on tissue damage in kidney after hindlimb ischemia reperfusion
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Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Ali Ünlü, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Banu Coşkun Yılmaz, B Çoşkun, Bahadır Ercan, Ramazan Bilgin, R Bilgin, A Gül, Ali Gül, Murat Dikmengil, Uğur Atik
Decreased Serum Total Antioxidant Status and Erythrocyte Reduced Glutathione Levels Are Associated with Increased Serum Malondialdehyde in Atherosclerotic Patients
Archives of Medical Research, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 257–260
Lülüfer Tamer, Nehir Sucu, Gürbüz Polat, Bahadır Ercan, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Güzide Yücebilgiç, Ali Ünlü, Murat Dikmengil
Decreased serum total antioxidant status and erythrocyte reduced glutathione levels accompany ıncreased sera malondialdehyde in atherosclerotic patients
Archives of Medical Research, vol. 33, no. 33, pp. 257–260
Lülüfer Tamer, Nehir Sucu, Gürbüz Polat, Bahadır Ercan, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Murat Dikmengil, Güzide Yücebilgiç, Ali Ünlü, Uğur Atik, Uğur Atik
Lipoteikoik asitin ratlarda kronik bacak iskemisi üzerine etkisi
Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 303–313
Özden Vezir, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Nehir Sucu, Savaş Aktaş, Lokman Ayaz
Role of cytokine gene polimorphisim on ramipril-altered inflammatory response and myocardial injury in patient undergoing coronary artery bypas surgery
Çukurova Medical Journal, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 436–445
Meral Urhan Küçük, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Seyhan Şahan Fırat, Özden Vezir, Necmiye Canacankatan, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Sema Erden, Bahar Tunçtan, Nehir Sucu
Rosuvastatinin Ratlarda Bacak İskemi Reperfüzyonu Sonrası Eritrosit Membran Bütünlüğü Üzerine Etkisi Rosuvastatinin Ratlarda Bacak İskemi Reperfüzyonu Sonrası Eritrosit Membran Bütünlüğü Üzerine Etkisi
MN KARDİYOLOJİ, vol. , no. , pp. –
Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Özden Vezir, Lokman Ayaz, Murat Özeren, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Mehmet Ali Sungur, Nehir Sucu
Rosuvastatinin ratlarda bacak iskemi reperfüzyonu sonrası eritrosit membran bütünlüğü üzerine etkisi
MN Kardiyoloji, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1–6
Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Özden Vezir, Lokman Ayaz, Murat Özeren, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Nehir Sucu, Mehmet Ali Sungur
Comparison of the Oxidative Damage That Occurs During the Preparation of the Internal Thoracic Artery and the Saphenous Vein As a Graft and the Effect of the Systemic Total Antioxidant Capacity on This Entity
Türkiye Klinikleri J Cardiovasc Sci, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 192–198
Orhan Güngör, Kerem Karaca, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Hatice Yıldırım, Hatice Yıldırım Yaroğlu, Lülüfer Tamer, Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Murat Özeren, Tuba Kara, Tuba Karabacak, İlter Helvacı, Nehir Sucu
Comparison of two different commonly used venous cannulae in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graftng for multivessel disease
Türkiye Klinikleri J Cardiovasc Sci, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1–7
Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Mehmet Kerem Karaca, Özden Vezir, Murat Özeren, Semra Erdoğan, Nehir Sucu
Picric Acid Can it be Useful in the Decalcification ofPericardial Biomaterials
The Anatolian Journal of Clinical investigation (AJCI), vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 141–146
Barlas Naim Aytaçoğlu, Nehir Sucu, Lülüfer Tamer, Ayşe Polat, Hacı Ali Döndaş, Murat Özeren, Ali Gül, Murat Dikmengil