Modified exponential function method for two dimensional nonlinear mathematical model
8th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (17.05.2024 - 19.05.2024)
Yusuf Gürefe
Solutions of time fractional mathematical model with effective techniques
7th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2023 - 21.05.2023)
Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır, Tolga Aktürk
Analysis of the effect of the coriolis constant on the GpKdV equation
Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2022 - 22.05.2022)
Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır, Tolga Aktürk
Investigation of exact wave solutions of the exponential nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation
The 5nd International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (08.06.2021 - 10.06.2021)
Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır, Tolga Aktürk
The modified trial equation method to the Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model
4th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.04.2019 - 22.04.2019)
Şeyma Tülüce Demiray, Şerife Çalık, Yusuf Gürefe
Symmetrical Lucas function solutions of Liouville equation
The Fourth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.04.2019 - 22.04.2019)
Şerife Çalık, Şeyma Tülüce Demiray, Yusuf Gürefe
New Function Method for the Heat Equation
3th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (04.05.2018 - 06.05.2018)
Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır
On the kink type and singular solitons solutions to the nonlinear partial differential equation
2nd International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (11.09.2018 - 13.09.2018)
Eda Günaydın, Yusuf Gürefe, Tolga Aktürk
New function method to solve the Zhiber-Shabat equation
The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2017 - 22.05.2017)
Yusuf Gürefe, Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Pandır
Bright soliton solutions of the nonlinear differential equations by generalized hyperbolic functions
The 6th International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (22.07.2017 - 25.07.2017)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe
New type of F-expansion method and its applications
International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Engineering (27.04.2017 - 29.04.2017)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe
New Jacobi function solutions of combined KdV-mKdV equation
The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2017 - 22.05.2017)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe
An application of Weierstrass transformation method to some nonlinear physical problems
The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2017 - 22.05.2017)
Latife Gizem Kambur, Yusuf Gürefe
New function method to the (N1)-dimensional nonlinear problems
The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2017 - 22.05.2017)
Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe, Hasan Bulut
An application of the new function method to the coupled sine-Gordon equation
International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Engineering (27.04.2017 - 29.04.2017)
Yusuf Gürefe, Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Pandır
A new approach with CSCE method to find the wave interactions
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (12.05.2016 - 14.05.2016)
Yusuf Gürefe, Tolga Aktürk, Kenan Akarbulut
CSCE method for obtaining new interactions among some waves
The 1st International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (03.03.2016 - 06.03.2016)
Yusuf Gürefe, Hasan Bulut
An application of CRE method to find new interactions among waves
The 1st International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (03.03.2016 - 06.03.2016)
Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe, Kenan Akarbulut, Hasan Bulut
New 2 point implicit block multistep method for multiplicative initial value problems
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Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
An application of the new function method to the generalized double sinh-Gordon equation
12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (22.09.2014 - 28.09.2014)
Hasan Bulut, Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe
An application of the new function method to nonlinear partial differential equations
5th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (27.08.2015 - 29.08.2015)
Hasan Bulut, Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe
New Runge-Kutta methods defined in multiplicative sense
3st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (25.08.2014 - 28.08.2014)
Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Traveling wave solutions of the (N1)-dimensional sine-cosine-Gordon equation
ICNPAA 2014 World Congress: 10th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences (15.07.2014 - 18.07.2014)
Hasan Bulut, Tolga Aktürk, Yusuf Gürefe
New multiplicative Runge-Kutta methods and its applications
International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics (06.11.2014 - 09.11.2014)
Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Some new multiplicative numerical methods
2st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (26.08.2013 - 29.08.2013)
Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Traveling wave solutions by extended trial equation method
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (21.09.2013 - 27.09.2013)
Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
A multiple extended trial equation method for nonlinear physical problems
2st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (26.08.2013 - 29.08.2013)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
New exact solutions of the time-fractional nonlinear dispersive KdV equation
2nd International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (20.07.2013 - 21.07.2013)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
A multiple extended trial equation method for the fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olver equation
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (21.09.2013 - 27.09.2013)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Modified trial equation method for nonlinear differential equations
First International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (18.10.2012 - 21.10.2012)
Yusuf Ali Tandoğan, Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe
Elliptic function solutions of a nonlinear partial differential equation
1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (03.09.2012 - 07.09.2012)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
A new approach to the trial equation method
1st International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications (03.09.2012 - 07.09.2012)
Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır, Emine Mısırlı
Classification of exact solutions for the Pochhammer-Chree equations
First International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (18.10.2012 - 21.10.2012)
Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır, Emine Mısırlı
Some numerical methods on multiplicative calculus
2st International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering (01.06.2011 - 03.06.2011)
Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
An application of first integral method to the generalized nonlinear evolution equation
The International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra (29.06.2011 - 02.07.2011)
Şerife Müge Ege, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
1-soliton solution of generalized Burgers-Fisher equation
The International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra (29.06.2011 - 02.07.2011)
Yusuf Gürefe, Meryem Odabaşı, Emine Mısırlı
Exp-function method for the coupled Drinfel’d-Sokolov-Wilson equation
3rd International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium on Chaos and Complex Systems (21.05.2010 - 24.10.2010)
Emine Mısırlı, Yusuf Gürefe
Exp-function method for solving nonlinear evolution equations
1st International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering (03.06.2010 - 05.06.2010)
Emine Mısırlı, Yusuf Gürefe
The new numerical algorithms for solving the multiplicative differential equations
International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Maltepe University (04.08.2009 - 10.08.2009)
Emine Mısırlı, Yusuf Gürefe
Genelleştirilmiş Zakharov-Kuznetsov denkleminin bazı yeni tam çözümleri
Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü 3. Öğrenci Çalıştayı (10.05.2013 - 11.05.2013)
Latife Gizem Kambur, Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe
Kesirsel Sharma-Tasso-Olver denkleminin bazı yeni tam çözümleri
Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümü 3. Öğrenci Çalıştayı (10.05.2013 - 11.05.2013)
Yasemin Çulhaoğlu, Yusuf Gürefe, Yusuf Pandır
İndeksli dergilerde kalite göstergesi olarak etki faktörü analizi
Yozgat Bilişim Etkinlikleri-X (09.04.2013 - 14.04.2013)
Yusuf Gürefe
Lineer olmayan sine-Gordon diferansiyel denklemlerinin çözümleri üzerine
11. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (19.09.2012 - 21.09.2012)
Yusuf Pandır, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Lineer olmayan kısmi diferansiyel denklemlerin çözümleri için yeni bir yaklaşım
10. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (21.09.2011 - 23.09.2011)
Yusuf Gürefe, Şerife Müge Ege, Emine Mısırlı
First integral yönteminin genelleştirilmiş lineer olmayan evrim denklemlerine bir uygulaması
10. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (21.09.2011 - 23.09.2011)
Şerife Müge Ege, Yusuf Gürefe, Emine Mısırlı
Adi diferansiyel denklemlerin sayısal çözümleri için yeni bir yaklaşım
16. Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi, Erciyes Üniversitesi (22.06.2009 - 26.06.2009)
Emine Mısırlı, Yusuf Gürefe
Lisans eğitiminde analiz dersi ve farklı analizlerle etkileşim
7. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu (13.11.2008 - 15.11.2008)
Emine Mısırlı, Yusuf Gürefe