Conformable Sturm-Liouville Problem with Two Parameter
The 8th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (17.05.2024 - 19.05.2024)
Aslı Öner, Sertaç Göktaş, Büşra Barut
On Modeling on Multiplicative Calculus for Population Growth
9th International IFS and Contemporary Mathematics and Engineering Conference (08.07.2023 - 11.07.2023)
Yusuf Ziya Altay, Aslı Bucak, Sertaç Göktaş
Multiparameter Eigenvalue Problems on Time scale
The 7th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (20.05.2023 - 21.05.2023)
Aslı Öner, Sertaç Göktaş
Statistical Convergence on Multiplicative Calculus
Sixth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2022) (20.05.2022 - 22.05.2022)
Mehmet Çağrı Yılmazer, Emrah Yılmaz, Sertaç Göktaş, Mikail Et
The Laplace Transform for Quantum Calculus on Finite Intervals
8th International Conference on IFS and Contemporary Mathematics (IFSCOM2022) (16.06.2022 - 19.06.2022)
Mehmet Çağrı Yılmazer, Sertaç Göktaş, Emrah Yılmaz, Mikail Et
The Conformable Laplace Transform on Time Scales and Its Some Applications
8th International Conference on IFS and Contemporary Mathematics (IFSCOM2022) (16.06.2022 - 19.06.2022)
Gözde Özlü, Aslı Öner, Sertaç Göktaş
Green's Function For Multiplicative Sturm-Liouville Problem
7th International IFS and Contemporary Mathematics Conference (IFSCOM2021) (25.05.2021 - 29.05.2021)
Emrah Yılmaz, Tuba Gülşen, Sertaç Göktaş
Multiplicative Type Dirac System
4th International Conference on Physical Chemistry and Functional Materials (PCFM’21) (08.04.2021 - 09.04.2021)
Tuba Gülşen, Emrah Yılmaz, Sertaç Göktaş
Some Properties of Multiplicative Hermite Equation
Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equation & Applications MADEA 9 (21.06.2021 - 25.06.2021)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emrah Yılmaz, Ayşe Çiğdem Yar
Some Applications of Green's Function on Time Scales
5th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2021) (08.06.2021 - 10.06.2021)
Ayşe Çiğdem Yar, Emrah Yılmaz, Sertaç Göktaş
On the Exact Solution of Fractional Simplified MCH Equation
Modern Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications(XX International Saratov) (28.01.2020 - 01.02.2020)
Ulviye Demirbilek, Volkan Ala, Hanlar Reşidoğlu, Sertaç Göktaş
The Levinson-type formula for a scattering problem
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME 2019) (11.07.2019 - 13.07.2019)
Hanlar Reşidoğlu, Sertaç Göktaş
On the continuity of the scattering function of a nonselfadjoint boundary value problem with a eigenparameter in the boundary condition
6th International IFS and Contemporary Mathematics Conference(IFSCOM2019) (07.06.2019 - 10.06.2019)
Sertaç Göktaş, Hanlar Reşidoğlu
Uniform Convergence of Spectral Expansions for Continuous Functions for A Problem with a Eigenparameter in the Boundary Condition
International Conference on Mathematics: An Istanbul Meeting for World Mathematicians (03.07.2018 - 06.07.2018)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On the Spectral Properties of a Boundary Value Problem
International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017)
Emir Ali Maris, Sertaç Göktaş
On the Uniform Convergence of the Fourier Series for a Spectral Problem with a Eigenparameter Depending on Quadratically in a Boundary Condition
International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (25.10.2017 - 27.10.2017)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
A Remark on Comparison of the Uniform Convergence Conditions of Spectral Expansions for Two Spectral Problems with Linear Function of Spectral Parameter in One Boundary Condition
VII International Youth Scientific-Practical Conference Mathematical Modeling of Processes and Systems (07.12.2017 - 09.12.2017)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On the Spectral Expansions of a Boundary Value Problem with a Spectral Parameter Depending on Quadratically in One Boundary Condition
Modern Mathematics and Its Applications (18.05.2017 - 20.05.2017)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On the Basicity of One Sturm-Liouville Operator with Eigenparameter in a Boundary Condition
International Mathematical Conference on Function Theory dedicated to the centenary of Aleksei Fedorovich Leont’ev (24.05.2017 - 27.05.2017)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
Conformable Fractional Order Dirac System on Time Scales
4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference (IFSCOM 2017) (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017)
Tüba Gülşen, Emrah Yılmaz, Sertaç Göktaş
On Comparison of the Uniform Convergence Conditions of Spectral Expansions for Two Boundary Value Problem with Spectral Parameter in One Boundary Condition
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On the Uniform Convergence Fourier Series Expansions of a Spectral Problem with Eigenparameter in a Boundary Condition
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2017) (11.05.2017 - 13.05.2017)
Emir Ali Maris, Sertaç Göktaş
On the Uniform Convergence of Spectral Expansions for a Spectral Problem Rationally Dependent on the Eigenparameter
Nazim Kerimov, Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On Spectral Expansions of Eigenfunctions System of One Boundary Value Problem
International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMME-2016) (12.05.2016 - 14.05.2016)
Nazim Kerimov, Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris
On the Uniform Convergence of the Spectral Expansions in terms of Root Functions for one Spectral Problem
International Conference on "Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equation and Their Applications" (08.09.2015 - 13.09.2015)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris, Kerimov Nazım, Nazim Kerimov
On the Lipschitz Stability of Inverse Nodal Problem for p-Laplacian Schrodinger Equation with Energy Dependent
International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (02.06.2013 - 05.06.2013)
Emrah Yılmaz, Sertaç Göktaş, Hikmet Kemaloğlu
A Note On The Uniform Convergence Of The Expansions In Terms Of Root Functions Of Some Spectral Problems
5th International IFS and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2018 (05.09.2018 - 09.09.2018)
Sertaç Göktaş, Emir Ali Maris