Klein-Gordon Equation with Position Dependent Magnetic Field and Mass
CISET 2nd, 2019 (10.10.2019 - 12.10.2019)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
2nd Cilicia International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (CISET 2019) (10.10.2019 - 12.10.2019)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
Analytical Solutions of a Scalar Particle in an Arbitrary External Magnetic Field
IFSCOM2019 (07.06.2019 - 10.06.2019)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
Öbekli Yapıdaki Bir Çekirdeğin Genel Moleküler Potansiyeli için Göreceli Olmayan Analitik Enerji Özdeğerler
II. Uluslararası Eğitimde ve Kültürde Akademik Çalışmalar Sempozyumu (I-SASEC 2019) (12.09.2019 - 14.09.2019)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Exact Solutions of Schödinger Particle Perturbed by a Magnetic Field
6th International IFS and Contemporary Mathematics Conference (IFSCOM 2019) (07.06.2019 - 10.06.2019)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Creation of the charged spin-1/2 particles by external electric and magnetic fields
V. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE-2018) (24.12.2018 - 26.12.2018)
Özgür Mızrak, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
Analytic Solutions of the Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon Equations for External Electric and Magnetic Fields
V. International Multidisciplinary Congress of Eurasia (IMCOFE-2018) (24.07.2018 - 26.07.2018)
Özgür Mızrak, Kenan Söğüt, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Derivation of the Ladder Operators for spin-1/2 Particles Moving in a Magnetic Field
4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2017 (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017)
Özgür Mızrak, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
Application of Asymptotic Iteration Method to Cornell Potential
4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2017 (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017)
Hakan Çiftci, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Motion of Klein Gordon Particles In External Fields via Asymptotic Iteration Method
4th International Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Contemporary Mathematics Conference – IFSCOM2017 (03.05.2017 - 07.05.2017)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Özgür Mızrak, Kenan Söğüt
Highly accurate solutions for r 2d 2 r d 2 type potential class in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics using asymptotic iteration method AIM
International Conference on Quantum Science and Applications (ICQSA-2016) (25.05.2016 - 27.05.2016)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Hakan Çiftci
Exact solutions of Dirac equation in the presence of space dependent electric and magnetic fields
International Conference on Quantum Science and Applications (ICQSA-2016) (25.05.2016 - 27.05.2016)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Özgür Mızrak, Kenan Söğüt
Motion of the Charged Scalar Particles in space dependent electric and magnetic fields
Turkish Physics Society 32th International Physics Congress (06.09.2016 - 09.09.2016)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Özgür Mızrak, Kenan Söğüt
Preliminary RFQ Design Studies Based on Beam Dynamics for TAC Proton Linac
Türk Fizik Derneği 31. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (21.07.2014 - 24.07.2014)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Metin Yılmaz
A Low Energy Beam Transport Design for TAC Proton Accelerator
Turkish Physical Society 5. International Participation Particle Accelerator and Application Congress (UPHUK-5) (07.09.2013 - 09.09.2013)
Abdullatif Çalışkan, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Saleh Sultanov, Metin Yılmaz
Emittance Measurements At The Low Energy Beam Transport of Linac4
Türk Fizik Derneği 28. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (06.09.2011 - 09.09.2011)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Lutz Matthıas Heın, Metin Yılmaz, Oysteın Mıdttun
Some Criterias at DTL Design For Turkish Accelerator Center TAC Linac
International Conference Pyhsics 2010 (29.06.2010 - 03.07.2010)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Abdullatif Çalışkan, Metin Yılmaz
Calculations of the Main Free Path on Neutron Emission Cross Section for Spallation Reaction of Target and Fuel Nuclei
ICENES 2007, 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (03.06.2007 - 08.06.2007)
Eyyup Tel, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Aysel Kayış Topaksu, Abdullah Aydın, Abdullah Kaplan
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum and Semi empirical Ab ınıtıo and Densıty Functional Computations of the Vibrational Spectrum of the Indole type Alkaloid
Türk Fizik Derneği 23.Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (13.09.2005 - 16.09.2005)
Semran Sağlam, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Sevgi Bayarı