Analytical Investigation of a Dirac Particle Dynamics in a Hyperbolic Magnetic Field with Position-Dependent Mass: Exact Solutions and Ladder Operators
Physica Scripta, vol. 100, no. , pp. 25203–
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Volkan Ala
Analytical investigation of a Dirac particle dynamics in a hyperbolic magnetic field with position-dependent mass: exact solutions and ladder operators
Physica Scripta, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 025203–
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Volkan Ala
Quasi-exact l-states of Klein-Gordon equation with position-dependent effective mass for exponential scalar and vector fields
INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol. , no. , pp. –
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Analytical energy eigenvalues of a Dirac particle in focusing field of a quadrupole magnet
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, vol. 101, no. 6, pp. 287–291
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Non-relativistic analytical solutions of the Kratzer potential for a perturbed system in a magnetic field
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS, vol. 134, no. 9, pp. –
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Relativistic spectral bounds for the general molecular potential: application to a diatomic molecule
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. –
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Hilmi Yanar, Oktay Aydoğdu, Oktay Aydogdu, Mustafa Saltı, Mustafa Salti
Nonrelativistic Arbitrary l-States of Quarkonium through Asymptotic Iteration Method
ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, vol. 2018, no. 4549705, pp. 1–7
Hakan Çiftci, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Condition for a Bounded System of Klein-Gordon Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. –
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
Accidental Degeneracies in N dimensions for Potential Class αr2d-2 - βrd-2 via Asymptotic Iteration Method (AIM)
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Hakan Çiftci
Application of asymptotic iteration method to a deformed well problem
CHINESE PHYSICS B, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 030201–
Hakan Çiftci, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
Electromagnetic Design Study of 3 MeV RFQ Accelerator for TAC Proton Facility
Balkan Physics Letters, vol. 23, no. 231006, pp. 43–54
Abdullatif Çalışkan, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Metin Yılmaz
Beam Dynamics Design and Electromagnetic Analysis of 3 MeV RFQ for TAC Proton Linac
Nuclear Science and Techniques, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. –
Abdüllatif Çalışkan, Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Metin Yılmaz
Beam Dynamical Evolutions in a Solenoid Channel – A Review
European International Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 3, no. 7, pp. 157–164
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Metın Yılmaz
Performance studies of a full length prototype for the CASTOR forward calorimeter at the CMS experiment
The European Physical Journal C, vol. 67, no. 3-4, pp. 601–615
Andreev V., Aslanoglou X., Azman A., Bakirci M. N., Başeğmez S., Beaumont W., Blocki J., Borras K., Campbell A., Çerçi S., D’enterria D., Silva M., Dumanoğlu I., Erturk S., Eskut E., Ershov Y., Göttlicher P., Gouskos L., Onengut G., Gusev Y., Jung H., Katkov I., Katsas P., Khein L., Kisoglu F., Knutsson A., Kuleshov S., Kuznetsov A., Lebeau M., Mccauley T., Muhl C., Musienko Y., Ochesanu S., Oroku M., Ozdemir K., Ozturk S., Panagiotou A. D., Reucroft S., Ripert M., Shileev K., Sogut K., Swain J., Tiflov V., Kayis-Topaksu A., Haevermaet H., Mechelen P., Wolf E.
Performance studies of the final prototype for the CASTOR forward calorimeter at the CMS experiment
CMS NOTE, vol. , no. , pp. –
Kışoğlu Fatih
Investigation of the Motion of Scalar Particles in an External Electromagnetic Field via Asymptotic Iteration Method
Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 853–868
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu, Kenan Söğüt
N-Dimensional Solutions of Klein-Gordon Particles for Scaled Molecular Potential via Highly-Accurate Approximation
Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 97–103
Hasan Fatih Kışoğlu
CMS HCAL Hadronik Kapak Kalorimetresindeki Hibrid Foto Diyotların Enerji Kazanç Kararlılığı Çalışmaları
Ç.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. –
Kışoğlu Hasan Fatih, Kayış Topaksu Aysel