An Overview on the Muon Spin Spectroscopy for New Generation Ni rich Li-based Batteries
EMRS-ALTECH 2024 - Analytical techniques for accurate nanoscale characterization of advanced materials (27.05.2024 - 31.05.2024)
Eda Uslu, Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Burkhard Beckhoff
A Combined Study on Synchrotron-based Diffraction/Absorption Spectroscopy and Advanced Computational Calculation for New Generation Li-based Batteries
EMRS-ALTECH 2024 - Analytical techniques for accurate nanoscale characterization of advanced materials (27.05.2024 - )
Selma Erat, Alexey Rulev, Eda Uslu, Paul Thomson, Markys Cain, Artur Braun, Burkhard Beckhoff
İleri Teknoloji Eğitim, Araştırma, Uygulama Merkezinde Araştırma Verimliliğinin Arttırılması
2nd International Conference on Trends in Advanced Research (22.11.2024 - 23.11.2024)
Selma Erat, Aynur Gürbüz, Tuncay İnce
Electronic band structure and Ni K-edge XANES calculation in LiNiO2
IWES2024 Third Italian Workshop on Energy Storage (07.02.2024 - )
Selma Erat, Murat Aycibin, Eda Uslu, Alexey Rulev, Artur Braun
The Role of Micro-Nano Plastics in Epithelial Barrier
EAACI Summer Symposium on Epithelial Cell Biology (25.07.2024 - )
Selma Erat, Nagihan Emeksiz
3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research (22.11.2024 - 16.06.2024)
Ertürk Türker, Saadet Yıldırımcan, Selma Erat, Samed Çetinkaya
Katı Oksitli Yakıt Pilleri Katot Malzemelerindeki Güncel Gelişmeler ve için La0.5Sr0.5Fey(M=Ni/Co)1-yO3 Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu
2nd International Conference on Trends in Advanced Research (22.11.2024 - )
Ali Abdulazeez A Abdulwahhab, Selma Erat
Şeffaf Yarıiletken Kalay Oksit (SnO2) İnce Filminin Kimyasal Banyo Depolama Yöntemi ile Üretilmesi ve Karakterizasyonu
2nd International Conference on Trends in Advanced Research (22.11.2024 - )
Selma Erat, Bahar Bilen Enişte, Samed Çetinkaya, Saadet Yıldırımcan
Hagia Sophia 4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Scientific Study (08.07.2022 - )
Saadet Yıldırımcan, Selma Erat, Osman Murat Özkendir, Selen Gunaydin, Harfouche Messaoud, Bünyamin Demir, Artur Braun
Achievements in nanomaterials for solid oxide fuel cells for clean and sustainable energy
3rdAdvanced Engineering Days(AED) (08.07.2022 - 10.07.2022)
Aynur Gürbüz, Selma Erat
Determination of the anticancer effects of M (Mn, Ni, B) doped ZnOnanoparticles against ovarian and breast cancer cells
The 3rd Advanced Engineering Days (AED) (08.06.2022 - 10.07.2022)
Derya Yetkin, Saadet Yıldırımcan, Erdinç Timoçin, Samed Çetinkaya, Selma Erat, Furkan Ayaz
The effect of metal oxide nanoparticles in breast cancer treatment
The 3rd Advanced Engineering Days (AED) (08.06.2022 - 08.06.2022)
Saadet Yıldırımcan, Derya Yetkin, Furkan Ayaz, Selma Erat
Saadet Yıldırımcan, Erdinç Timoçin, Samed Çetinkaya, Selma Erat
Performance Analysis of Liquid Nitrogen Production Unit.
11. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, (20.08.2021 - 21.08.2021)
Selma Erat
Establishment and Development of Mersin University Optician Program Laboratory
V. International Covid-19 and Current Issues Congress on Social, Health, and Life Sciences (16.10.2021 - 10.10.2021)
Saadet Yıldırımcan, Erdinç Timoçin, Samed Çetinkaya, Selma Erat
The Developments, Challenges in Renewable Energy and Reduction of Green Gas Emissions in Turkey Upon Covid-19 Pandemic
Azime Telli, Selma Erat, Bünyamin Demir
Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Doped with Different Nickel Concentration
International Erdemli Symposium (19.04.2018 - 21.04.2018)
Selma Erat, Saadet Yıldırımcan
Photovoltaic Properties of Metal Oxide Photosystem I Solar Cells.
TFD 34, International Physics Congress, (05.09.2018 - 09.09.2018)
Selma Erat, Saadet Yıldırımcan, Kasım Ocakoğlu
Mersin İli ile Erdemli İlçesinin 2005-2017 Yılları Arasındaki Elektrik Enerjisi Tüketiminin Karşılaştırılması
International Erdemli Symposium (19.04.2018 - 21.04.2018)
Selma Erat, Tekin İzgi
“Investigation Of Electrical Energy Needs For Mersin Between 2015-2023.
International Energy and Engineering Conference, (13.10.2016 - )
Selma Erat
Synthesis and characterization of Mn doped ZnO nanorods
TFD 30, International Physics Congress (02.09.2013 - 05.09.2013)
Selma Erat, Kasım Ocakoğlu, Saadet Yıldırımcan
Optimization of microwave-assisted synthesis of ZnO nano-powder and its characterization.
TFD 29, International Physics Congress, (05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012)
Selma Erat, Kasım Ocakoğlu, Saadet Yıldırımcan
Surface morphology characterization of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods obtained by solution deposition.
TFD 29, International Physics Congress (05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012)
Selma Erat, Saadet Yıldırımcan, Kasım Ocakoğlu
Near Edge X-ray absorption studies on CdSe thin films grown by Chemical Bath Deposition
Annual Meeting of Swiss Physical Society (21.06.2012 - 22.06.2012)
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, I Demchenko, W Stolle, T Graule
High Temperature Crystallographic and Electronic Structure of LaSrFeNi oxides: a combination of Neutron diffraction and Near Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Annual Meeting of Swiss Physical Society (21.06.2012 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, A Ovalle, C Piamonteze, A Ariffin, T Blurne, L Gaucker
Electronic structure and transport properties of LaFeNiO3 at high temperature (300K-773K)
TFD 29, International Physics Congress (05.09.2012 - 08.09.2012)
Selma Erat, Cihan Avcı Braun
Changes in the oxygen (1s) absorption spectra on WO3/TiO2 (001,110,100) epitaxial films and polycrystaline sol gel WO3/ITO films
25th years of Surface Science and SAOG (22.10.2011 - )
Artur Braun, R Solarska, Selma Erat, T Graule, X Zhang, Z Liu, J Augustynski, Mao S.
Synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy and theoretical calculations for electronic structure characterization of complex oxides
TFD 28. International Physics Congress (06.09.2011 - 09.09.2011)
Selma Erat
Ex-situ Electronic Behavior of Haematite Film Under Operating Condition in a Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Cell Studied by O K Edge and Fe-L Edge Soft X-ray
MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Symposium W: Diagnostics and Characterization of Energy Materials with Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation (05.04.2010 - )
D Bora, Selma Erat, Artur Braun, A Ariffin, E Constable, T Graule
Assessment of Defects in Hematite, Iron Perovskites and Ti-oxynitride With Soft X-ray and Photoelectron Valence Band Spectroscopy
MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Symposium W: Diagnostics and Characterization of Energy Materials with Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation (05.04.2010 - )
Artur Braun, K Akurati, A Vital, D Bora, Selma Erat, E Constable, T Graule
Electronic Structure of Sr and Ni substituted LaFeO3: Fe-resonant VB PES and NEXAFS (O K edge, Fe L2,3 edge) study.
Advanced Light Source Users' Meeting, (13.10.2010 - 15.10.2010)
Selma Erat
T., Electronic structure and conductivity of n-type CdS films for solar energy conversion
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, University of Basel (21.06.2010 - )
Hülya Metin Gübür, Selma Erat, Artur Braun, I Demchenko, W Stolle, Mehmet Arı, T Graule
Electronic and Crystallographic Structure of LaSrFeNi-oxides: Potential Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Symposium W: Diagnostics and Characterization of Energy Materials with Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation (05.04.2010 - 09.04.2010)
Selma Erat, Cihan Avcı Braun
Chemistry, Structure and Transport Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Components Investigated With X-ray and Neutron Methods
MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Symposium W: Diagnostics and Characterization of Energy Materials with Synchrotron and Neutron Radiation (05.04.2010 - )
Artur Braun, Selma Erat, P Holtappels, T Graule, M Janousch, J Sfeir, J Ilavsky
Comparison of theoretical and experimental Fe (2p) x-ray absorption spectra for LaSrFeNi-oxides
MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, Symposium Y: Computational Approaches to Materials for Energy (05.04.2010 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, C Piamonteze, Z Liu, T Graule, L Gaucker
Electrical Properties and Crystallographic Characterization of Gd2O3 doped BI2O3 Polymorphs
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation (16.04.2009 - 17.04.2009)
Soner Durmuş, M Bozoklu, M Gökkoyun, Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, Mehmet Arı
Ni doping effect on structural and magnetic properties of La(1/3)Sr(2/3)Fe(1-x)Ni(x)O(3-δ).
Joint Annual Meeting SPS - ÖPG – ÖGAA 200 (04.09.2009 - )
R Aghdam, Selma Erat
Characterization of ternary solid electrolyte (Bi2O3)1-xy(Gd2O3)x(Eu2O3)y
Joint Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society Swiss Physical Society Austrian Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Universty of Innsbruck (04.09.2009 - )
Selma Erat, O Demir, M Gökkoyun, Soner Durmuş, M Bozoklu, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür
Photo-adone material for solar hydrogen generation pulsed laser deposited WO3/TiO2 model films and porous sol gel WO3 films
5th KURT SCHWABE SYMPOSIUM (24.05.2009 - )
Artur Braun, R Solarska, Selma Erat, D Bora, A Borras, T Graule, X Zhang
Charge transfer in LSF-Ni system monitored by core level soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy of oxyge
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation (13.04.2009 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, A Ovalle, R Matloub, C Piamonteze, Z Liu, L Gaucker
Atomic multiplet calculations for LSF-Ni oxides: charge transfer
Materials Day 2009: 8/10 Department of Materials- Today, Tomorrow and Beyond, (19.03.2009 - 19.03.2009)
Selma Erat, C Piamonteze, L Gaucker, T Graule
The effect of the annealing in nitrogen atmosphere on the photoconductivity of chemically deposited cadmium selenide thin films for solar energy conversion
EMPA Materials Science & Technology, 13-17 April 2009 San Francisco, USA. (15.04.2009 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, Mehmet Arı, R Kaplan, T Graule
Extensive study on crystallographic and electronic structure of LSF-Ni oxides
, Joint Annual Meeting SPS - ÖPG – ÖGAA 2009 (Swiss Physical Society-Austrian Physical Society- Austrian Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics), Session: Solid State Physics (X-rays and Neutrons) (02.09.2009 - 04.09.2009)
Selma Erat, Cihan Avcı Braun
X-Ray Absorption Studies on Cadmium Selenide Thin Films
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation (16.04.2009 - 17.04.2009)
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, I Demchenko, W Stolle, T Graule
Correlation of electronic structure and electrical conductivity of LaSrFeNi-oxides: p-and d-type electron holes
ALS 2009 User’s Meeting (15.10.2009 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, A Ovalle, C Piamonteze, Z Liu, L Gaucker, T Graule
The Effect of the Annealing Temperature on XANES of Cadmium Sulphide Thin Films
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation (16.04.2009 - 17.04.2009)
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, I Demchenko, W Stolle, T Graule
The effect of annealing temperature and Ni doping on structural, optical, and electrical properties of La1/3Sr2/3Fe1-xNixO3-δ thin film and bulk
Joint Annual Meeting SPS - ÖPG – ÖGAA 200 (02.09.2009 - )
R Aghdam, Selma Erat, Artur Braun, M Majidian, A Shkabko, M Östling, T Graule
Electronic structure characterization of LaSrFeNi-oxides for solid oxide fuel cells.
EMPA PHD Students’ Symposium 2009 (19.11.2009 - 20.11.2009)
Selma Erat, Cihan Avcı Braun
The use of x-ray absorption spectroscopy for electronic structure determination of photocatalysts
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation (13.04.2009 - )
Artur Braun, Selma Erat, T Graule, K Akurati, R Solarska, J Augustynski
Synthesis and characterization of ß-phase (Bi2O3)1-xy(Ho2O3)x(Eu2O3)y ternary solid solutio
Joint Annual Meeting SPS - ÖPG – ÖGAA 200 (02.09.2009 - )
Selma Erat, M Gökkoyun, S Durmuş, M Bozoklu, Artur Braun, Hülya Metin Gübür, Mehmet Arı
Photoluminescence and Thermoluminescence of n-type CdS Thin Films for Solar Energy Conversion
2009 MRS Spring Meeting: Symposium S: Materials in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrochemistry for Environmental Applications and H2 Generation, San Francisco, (13.04.2009 - 17.04.2009)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür, Artur Braun, Fatih Mehmet Emen, Nevzat Külcü, T Graule
Properties of nanostructured hematite thin film photoanode for solar hydrogen production
EMPA PHD Students’ Symposium 2009 (20.11.2009 - )
D Bora, Selma Erat, J Pierog, Artur Braun, A Ariffin, E Constable, T Graule
LaSrFeNi-oxide: promising cathode material matching proton conductor specifications for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
Smart Energy Strategies, Meeting the climate change challenge, (08.09.2008 - )
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, A Kaegia, Xinyu Zhang, S Sun, Z Liu, A Frei
Crystallographic structure, electrical and optical properties of CdSe thin films: The effect of the deposition temperature and annealing atmosphere
NANOMAT 2008, International workshop on advanced materials and devices for photovoltaic applications, (21.05.2008 - 25.04.2008)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür, Artur Braun
Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy study of LaSrFeNi-oxides and Atomic Multiplet Simulation
Advanced Light Source User's Meeting (10.10.2008 - 15.10.2008)
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, L Gaucker, T Graule
Correlation of Electronic Structure and Electrical Conductivity of La1-x Srx Fe1- yNiyO3-δ
Swiss Physical Society Annual Meeting (26.03.2008 - 27.03.2008)
Selma Erat, Artur Braun, P Holtappels, Z Liu, T Graule, L Gaucker
Structural and Optical Properties of Cadmium Selenide Films Prepared by Chemical Bath Deposition
The 6th General International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-6) (22.08.2006 - 26.08.2006)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür
Influence of Annealing on the Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of Chemically Deposited CdS Thin Films
24th International Physics Congres (28.08.2007 - )
Hülya Metin Gübür, F Sat, Selma Erat
Optical and Electrical Properties of Chemically Deposited ZnS Thin Films
TFD 24. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (20.09.2007 - 31.08.2007)
Selma Erat, Soner Durmuş, Murat Arı
The photoconductivity studies of Cadmium Selenide thin film
TFD 24. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (20.09.2007 - 28.08.2007)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür, R Kaplan
Cadmium Sulfide Thin films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition Method
6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-6) (22.08.2006 - 26.08.2006)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür
Photoluminescence of Cadmium Sulfide and Zinc Sulfide Thin Films
TFD 23. International Physics Congress (13.09.2005 - )
Hülya Metin Gübür, Selma Erat, R Esen
Annealing Effects on Optical Properties of Chemical Bath Deposition Grown Cadmium Selenide Thin Films
TFD 23. Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi (22.09.2005 - 16.09.2005)
Hülya Metin Gübür, Selma Erat
Araştırma Merkezlerindeki Tek Kristal X-ışınları Difraktometresi (sc-xrd) Cihazı Özellikleri, Uygulamaları ve Çeşitliliği
2023 Vizyonunda Üniversitelerin Araştırma Laboratuvarları Çalıştayı VI (08.09.2022 - 09.09.2022)
Aynur Gürbüz, Selma Erat
Development in nanomaterials for prevention and treatment of COVID-19 and other viruses
3rd Advanced Engineering Days (AED) (08.06.2022 - 08.06.2022)
Nagihan Emeksiz, Selma Erat
İyonlaştırıcı Olmayan Elektromanyetik Alan Etkisindeki İş Yerlerinde İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği, Risk Değerlendirmesi
IX Ulusal İşçi Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kongresi ve Sergisi (30.11.2017 - )
Y Zeren, Selma Erat
Investigation of physical properties of AII-BVI Quantum Dots: synthesis techniques, optical properties and applications
23. İstatistiksel Fizik Günleri (21.06.2016 - 23.06.2016)
Selma Erat, Çağdaş Allahverdi
Kimyasal Depolama Yöntemiyle Elde Edilen CdSe Filmlerinin Elektriksel Karakteristikleri
I Ulusal Güneş ve Hidrojen Enerjisi Kongresi (22.06.2006 - 23.06.2006)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür
Kimyasal Depolama Yöntemiyle Elde Edilen Kadmiyum Selenür Filmlerinin Optiksel ve Elektriksel Özellikleri
12. Yoğun Madde Fiziği-Ankara Toplantısı (16.12.2005 - 16.12.2005)
Selma Erat, Hülya Metin Gübür