Tests of Continuous Concrete Slabs Reinforced with Basalt Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Bars
ACI Structural Journal, vol. 114, no. 5, pp. 1201–1215
İlker Fatih Kara, Mehmet Alpaslan Köroğlu, Ashraf F Ashour
Analysis of R/C frames considering cracking effect and plastic hinge formation
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 669–681
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf F Ashour, Cengiz Dündar
Flexural performance of FRP reinforced concrete encased steel composite beams
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 775–793
İlker Fatih Kara
Flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with prestressed near surface mounted FRP reinforcements
Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 371–383
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour, Mehmet Alpaslan Köroğlu
Flexural behavior of hybrid FRP steel reinforced concrete beams
Composite Structures, vol. 129, no. , pp. 111–121
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour, Mehmet Alpaslan Köroğlu
Size effect on shear strength of FRP reinforced concrete beams
Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 60, no. , pp. 612–620
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour
Moment redistribution in continuous FRP reinforced concrete beams
Construction and Building Materials, vol. 49, no. , pp. 939–948
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour
Deflection of concrete structures reinforced with FRP bars
Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 375–384
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour, Cengiz Dündar
Flexural performance of FRP reinforced concrete beams
Composite Structures, vol. 94, no. 5, pp. 1616–1625
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour
Empirical modeling of shear strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete beams by gene expression programming
Neural Computing and Applications, vol. 23, no. 3-4, pp. 823–834
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour, Cengiz Dündar
Prediction of deflection of high strength steel fiber reinforced concrete beams and columns
Computers and Concrete, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 133–151
İlker Fatih Kara, Cengiz Dündar
Prediction of shear strength of FRP reinforced concrete beams without stirrups based on genetic programming
Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 295–304
İlker Fatih Kara
Three Dimensional Analysis of Tall Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Nonlinear Cracking Effecs
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 388–402
İlker Fatih Kara, Cengiz Dündar
Prediction of deflection of reinforced concrete shear walls
Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 777–785
İlker Fatih Kara, Cengiz Dündar
Three dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete frames considering the cracking effect and geometric nonlinearity
İlker Fatih Kara, Cengiz Dündar
Effect of loading types and reinforcement ratio on an effective moment of inertia and deflection of a reinforced concrete beam
Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 836–846
İlker Fatih Kara, Cengiz Dündar
Three dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete frames with cracked beam and column elements
Engineering Structures, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 2262–2273
Cengiz Dündar, İlker Fatih Kara
2023 Kahramanmaraş ve Hatay depremlerinin Antakya ve Samandağ ilçelerindeki yapısal etkileri ve çözüm önerileri
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1260–1270
İsmet Vapur, İlker Fatih Kara, Emre Akın
TBDY 2018’ e göre farklı döşeme tiplerinin yüksek bina sınıfındaki yapıda doğrusal olmayan davranışa olan etkilerinin incelenmesi
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 239–248
İlker Fatih Kara, Yunus Emre Akkaş
Turkish Journal of Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 206–217
İlker Fatih Kara, Ashraf Ashour, Cahit Bilim
Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 751–756
Cahit Bilim, İlker Fatih Kara
Fiberle Güçlendirilmiş Silis Dumanı İçeren Betonların Yarmada Çekme Dayanımının GEP ile Tahmini
Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 208–217
Mustafa Sarıdemir, İlker Fatih Kara
Enine ve Boyuna FRP donatılı Betonarme Kirişlerin Kesme Dayanımı
Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 157–167
İlker Fatih Kara, Fatih Cullazoğlu, Metin Hakan Severcan
Değişik Yüklemeler Etkisi Altında Farklı Donatı Oranlarına Sahip Betonarme Kirişlerde Oluşan Deplasmanların Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 135–147
Metin Hakan Severcan, İlker Fatih Kara, Kubilay Akçaözoğlu