Alevism in Turkey Through the Analysis of Nevruz Practice
21st Congress of the Japanese Society for the Middle Eastern Studies (15.05.2005 - 16.05.2005)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Orta Asya'dan Uzak Doğu'ya: Tatar Göçmenlerı ve Tokyo Cami
Bir Yol Bir Kuşak: Dil, Beşeri Sermaye ve Kültürel Miras SIRCON 2024 Kongresi (23.05.2024 - )
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Considering Syrian Refugee Problems in Turkey: Anthropological Approach on Case in Mersin
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Indigenousness of Yörük: An Anthropological Analysis on Identity Seeking Process
1. Uluslararası Akdeniz Sempozyumu (01.11.2018 - 03.11.2018)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Anthropological Approach on Consanguineous Marriage in Alevi Communities of Rural Anatolia
1st. International Congress on Sports, Anthropology, Nutrition, Anatomy and Radiology (03.05.2018 - 05.05.2018)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Sosyal Antropoloji açısından Alevilik’te Evliyâ İnancı
Uluslararası Geçmişten Geleceğe Alevilik Sempozyumu (08.12.2018 - 10.12.2018)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Müsâhiplik An anthropological analysis onfictive kinship of Alevis in Turkey
European Anthropologyin a Changing World:From Culture to Global Biology (24.08.2016 - 28.08.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Günümüz Alevilik Bektaşilik te Müsahiplik Cemi
II. Uluslararası Hacı Bektaş Veli Hoşgörü ve Barış Sempozyumu (08.10.2015 - 10.10.2015)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Geçmişten Günümüze Çorum da Ziyaretler
Bütün Yönleri İle Çorum, Dün, Bugün, Yarın ve Değişim Sempozyumu (28.04.2016 - 30.04.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Tarih Antropolojisi açısında Koyun Baba Ziyareti
I. Uluslararası Koyun Baba Sempozyumu (13.05.2016 - 14.05.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Alevis in Turkey
Studies on Religious and Politico-Social Minority Groups in Middle East Project First Meeting (01.09.2016 - 02.09.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Saint Veneration and Regious Practice of Kurdish Alevis in Turkey: Evliyâ-e Sırrî and Daqqah Yemine as a Popular Belief
2nd International Conference onSocial Sciences and Education Research (04.11.2016 - 06.06.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Transmitting the Tradition An Analysis on Master Disciple Relationship in Alevi Community of Turkey
International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Research (29.10.2015 - 31.10.2015)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Saint Veneration of Kurdish Alevis through an Analysisof Khidr Worship.
International Congress of Anthropological Sciences (09.04.2015 - 11.04.2015)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Moral Value in Bektashism an Anthropological Approach on İkrar Ceremony
International Symposium of Bektashi Religion, System of Values that Develop Each Day (20.03.2015 - 20.03.2015)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Saint Veneration of Kurdish Alevis in Dersim Through an Analysis on Popular Beliefs and Worship for Khidr
Alevi Identity Revisited. Cultural, Religious, Social and Political Perspectives at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (21.02.2014 - 22.02.2014)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Saint Veneration and Khidr Worship in Dersim A Case of Kurdish Alevi Tradition
Diverse Approaches to the Muslim People’s Life: Sufis, Saint Venerators and Migrants, KIAS/SIAS Joint International Workshop (29.03.2014 - 29.03.2014)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Küreselleşen Alevilik te Ocak Dedelik Seyitlik ve Aile Akraba İlişkiler hakkında bir Antropolojik İnceleme.
Geçmişten Günümüze I. Uluslar arası Alevilik Sempozyumu (03.10.2013 - 05.10.2013)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Neden Alevilik Tasavvuf Halk İnanç ve Ahlâk üzerine
Odenwalt Cem Evi Açılış Konuşması (25.09.2013 - 26.09.2013)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Formation of Religious Practices and Social Categories within the Kurdish Alevi Community in Turkey
55th Congress of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan (10.10.2013 - 11.10.2013)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Dersim de Küreselleşen Ocak Aşiret İlişkileri Dinî Ritüeller ve Evliyâ İnancı Hakkında Antropolojik bir Yaklaşım
2. Uluslararası Tunceli (Dersim) Sempozyumu’nda Sunulan Bildiriler (20.09.2013 - 22.09.2013)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Alevi Ocaklar üzerinden Tasavvuf ve Kimlik Mücadelesi
Bad Kreutznach Cem Evi Toplantısı (26.09.2013 - 26.09.2013)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Baba Mansur Ocağı: Yaşayan Türk-Tasavvuf Geleneği
II Uluslar Arası Tarihten Bugüne Alevilik Sempozyumu (23.10.2010 - 24.10.2010)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Ocak of Kurdish Alevis in Turkey the Relationship between the Ritual Practice and the Veneration for the Ehl i Beyt.
New Horizons in Islamic Area Studies: Islamic Scholarship across Cultures and Continents of International Conference 2010 Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (17.12.2010 - 19.12.2010)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Alevi and Cemaat Movements in Contemporary Turkey The Current State of Islam
New Horizons in Islamic Area Studies: Islamic Scholarship across Cultures and Continents of International Conference 2008 Islamic Area Studies at Asia-Europe Institute of University of Malaya (22.11.2008 - 24.11.2008)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Turkish Muslims in Japan
Workshop Titled Muslim Society in Japan: Past and Present, Organized by Faculty of Global Studies of Sophia University (15.11.2009 - 15.11.2009)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Social Category of the Kurdish Alevis A Case of Eastern Anatolia
25th Congress of the Japanese Society for the Middle Eastern Studies (09.05.2009 - 10.05.2009)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Saint Veneration in Kurdish Alevi Groups The Structure and Relationships of the Baba Mansoor Ojaks
Joint Research on Sufism and Saint Veneration Seminar Retreat: National Institute of Humanities Group Conference at Enoshima (15.09.2008 - 16.09.2008)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
A Case Study of Social Change of Alevi Community in Kutahya Province of Turkey
24th Congress of the Japanese Society for the Middle Eastern Studies: Chiba University (09.05.2008 - 10.05.2008)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Religious Education in Turkey Concerning Religious Minorities and Secularizm
Workshop Titled Modernization and Education in the Middle Eastern Countries Organized by Faculty of Global Studies of Sophia University (14.11.2008 - 15.11.2008)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Turkish Nationalism in Alevism of Turkey
46th Congress of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan (19.10.2004 - 20.10.2004)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
The Emergence of the Alevi Identity Problems in the Popular Periodicals in Contemporary Turkey
1st WOCMES in Mainz University in Germany (06.09.2002 - 08.09.2002)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Anadolu’nun Horasan'ı Tunceli Sempozyumu (16.10.2024 - 17.10.2024)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Bir Antropoloğun Bakış Açısı ile Alevilik
Akdeniz Rotary Kulübü Ocak 2017 Toplantısı (10.04.2017 - 10.04.2017)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Günümüz Alevilerin Dini Ritüelleri
Günümüz Aleviliğe Temel Yaklaşımlar Sempozyumu (21.03.2017 - 21.03.2017)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Yerel Müzik Eşiğinde Yerel Kültürler
I. Hitit Üniversitesi Antropoloji Kulübü Etkinliği (22.02.2016 - 22.02.2016)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Küreselleşme ve İslam
Hitit Akademi Derneği Panel titled Küreselleşen Dünyada Din ve Toplum İlişkileri, (28.12.2014 - 28.12.2014)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Anadolu Halk İnançları
Hitit Üniversitesi Türk Tarih ve Kültür Araştırma Kulübü Konferans at Hitit Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Konferans Salonu (08.12.2014 - 08.12.2014)
Hiroki Vakamatsu
Japon Kültürü ve Geleneği
Harmoni Felsefe Topluluğu Felsefe Semineri (10.12.2010 - 11.12.2010)
Hiroki Vakamatsu