How did oxidized glutathione effect on the cryopreserved semen in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
1st International Erdemli Symposium (19.05.2018 - 21.05.2018)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Murathan Kayim, Fatih Öğretmen
Andrological and Spermatological Examination in fresh and frozen-thawed Semen of Aksaray Malaklı dog
Second meditererranean natural sciences and engineering congress (26.06.2018 - 29.06.2018)
Muhammed Enes İnanç, Koray Tekin, Kemal Tuna Olğaç, Beste Çil, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Ongun Uysal
Evaluation of the effect of peroxidase on the quality of cryopreserved semen in Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
1st International Erdemli Symposium (19.05.2018 - 21.05.2018)
Serhat Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Murathan Kayim, Fatih Öğretmen
Improvement of DNA Integrity in Dog Semen Treated with Different Level of Cholesterol Loaded Cyclodextrin
68. Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science, September, 2017, Tallinn, Estonia (28.08.2017 - 01.09.2017)
Muhammed Enes İnanç, Koray Tekin, Kemal Tuna Olğaç, Burak Yılmaz, Emre Durmaz, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Ongun Uysal
İmprovement of DNA integrity dog semen treated with different level of cholesterol loaded cyclodextrin
68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (26.08.2017 - 01.09.2017)
Muhammed Enes İnanç, Koray Tekin, Kemal Tuna Olgaç, Burak Yılmaz, Emre Durmaz, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Ongun Uysal
Boğa Spermasının Dondurulabilirliği Üzerine Hücre Kültür Medyumunun TCM199 Etkisi
UNİKOP (21.10.2016 - 23.10.2016)
Serhat Büyükleblebici
Determination of the Effect of Methionine Tocopherol and Uric Acid on the Quality of Cryopreserved Semen in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Serhat Büyükleblebici, Murathan Kayim, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Fatih Öğretmen
Determination of the Effect of Superoxide Dismutase and Reduced Glutathione on the Qualityof Cryopreserved Semen in Rainbow Trout
Murathan Kayim, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Fatih Öğretmen
Fluorescein Staining Of Aksaray Malaklı Sheperd Dog Turkish Mastiff Semen Treated With Different Level Of Cholesterol Loaded Cyclodextrin
ICAR (26.06.2016 - 30.06.2016)
Ongun Uysal, Muhammed Enes İnanç, Burak Yılmaz, Koray Tekin, Kemal Tuna Olgaç, Havva Alemdar, Mustafa Yenal Akkurt, Mehmet Cevat Temizkan, Doğukan Özen, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Bengi Çınar Kul, Emre Durmaz, Okan Ertuğrul
Determination of the Effect of L Carnitine Carotene and Ascorbic Acid on the Quality of Cryopreserved Semen in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Murathan Kayim, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Fatih Öğretmen
Effect of Cholesterol Loaded Cyclodextrin on Semen Cryopreservation of Aksaray Malaklı Shepherd Dog Turkish Mastiff
3rd International VETISTANBUL Group Congress 2016 (17.05.2016 - 20.05.2016)
Kt Olgaç, Koray Tekin, Muhammed Enes İnanç, B Yılmaz, D Özen, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Ongun Uysal
Soya Lesitin İçeren Bioexcell Ticari Sulandırıcısının Boğa Spermalası Üzerine Etkisi
UNİKOP 2016 (21.10.2016 - 23.10.2016)
Serhat Büyükleblebici
Effect of cholesterolloaded cycklodekstrin on semen cryopreservation of Aksaray Malaklı Spherd dog Turkish Mastif
3.International Vetıstanbul Group Congress 2016 (17.05.2016 - 20.05.2016)
Kerim Olgaç, Bülent Yılmaz, Ozan Demir, Koray Tekin, Muhammed Enes İnanç, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Ongun Uysal
Superoxide Dismutase And Reduced Glutathione On The Quality Of Cryopreserved Semen In Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus Mykiss
19th Internatıonal Conference On Arts And Scıences (27.05.2016 - 29.05.2016)
Murathan Kayim, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Fatih Öğretmen
Some Spermatological Characteristics of Aksaray malaklı Dog Turkish Mastiff
18th EVSSAR Congress, Reproduction and Pediatrics in Dogs, Cats and Exotics, (11.09.2015 - 12.09.2015)
Muhammed Enes İnanç, Koray Tekin, Olgaç Koray, B Olgaç, Burak Yılmaz, B Yılmaz, Y Akkurt, Akkurt Yalçın, C Temizkan, Temizkan Caner, Umut Kaya, Un Kaya, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, B Kul, Burcu Kul, E Durmaz, Emre Durmaz, Ongun Uysal, Okan Ertuğrul, Necmettin Tekin, Ebru Erdemir
Comparison of Cryoprotective Effects of Trehalose and Cysteine on Bull Semen
1st International Congress On Engineerıng And Natural Sciences 2015 (15.05.2015 - 19.05.2015)
Serhat Büyükleblebici, Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Olga Büyükleblebici
Efficiency of Dithiotherithol and Scrose on Bull semen Cryopreservation
32 Vorld veterinary Congress (13.09.2015 - 17.09.2015)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Olga Büyükleblebici, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Umut Taşdemir, Emre Durmaz
Effect of Age on Semen Frezibility of Aksaray Malaklı Sepherd Dog Turkisih Mastif
52 Annual Meeting of the Society for cryobiology (26.06.2015 - 29.05.2015)
Koray Tekin, Muhammed Enes İnanç, Burak Yılmaz, Akkurt Yalçın, Temizkan Caner, Kaya Ulaş, Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Ongun Uysal, Okan Ertuğrul
Investigation of dithiothreitol and sucrose in bull semen cryopreservation
International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (15.05.2015 - 19.05.2015)
Olga Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Umut Taşdemir, Emre Durmaz
Effect of age on semen freezability of Aksaray Malaklı Shepperd Dog Turkish Mastiff
Society for Cryobiology 52nd CRYO2015 Annual Meeting of the Societyy for Cryobiology (26.07.2015 - 29.07.2015)
Koray Tekin, Muhammed Enes İnanç, Olgaç Kt, B Yılmaz, Y Akkurt, C Temizkan, Un Kaya, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, B Kul, E Durmaz, Ongun Uysal, Okan Ertuğrul
Effects of lycopene and cysteamine on bull sperm quality DNA integrity oxidative stress parameters and fertility results
32. World Veterinary Congress (13.09.2015 - 17.09.2015)
Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Olga Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Emre Durmaz
Efficiency of dithiothreitol and sucrose on bull semen cryopreservation
32. World Veterinary Congress (13.09.2015 - 17.09.2015)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Olga Büyükleblebici, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Umut Taşdemir, Emre Durmaz
Effect of Lycopen Cysteamin on Bull Semen Quality DNA integrity Oxidative Stress Parametres And Fertility Results
32. World veterinary congress (13.09.2015 - 17.09.2015)
Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Olga Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Emre Durmaz
Effect of varius cryoprotectans ofn bull semen quality DNA integrity and oxidativestress parametres
SOT Annual Meeting 2013 (10.03.2013 - 14.03.2013)
Erdem Coşkun, Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Taner Özgürtaş, Aydın Fevzi Nuri, Olga Büyükleblebici, Gürcan İsmail Sefa
Effects of various cryoprotectans on bull sperm quality and DNA integrity and oxidative stress parameters
Society of Toxicology Congres (10.03.2013 - 14.06.2013)
Erdem Coşkun, Umut Taşdemir, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Taner Özgürtaş, Olga Büyükleblebici
The Effect of different doses of some cryoprotectans on post thawed Angora goat sperm motility plasma membrane integrity oxidative stres parametres and DNA Damage
4th International Congress on Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stress Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels (26.06.2012 - 29.06.2012)
Serhat Büyükleblebici, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Umut Taşdemir, Erdem Coşkun, Taner Özgürtaş, Halil Erol, İspir Emre
The Effect Of Trehalose on oxidative stress parameteres DNA Damage and some sperm parametres of Angora Buck frozen Thawed semen
4. International Congres On Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stress: Focus On Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels (26.06.2012 - 29.06.2012)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Umut Taşdemir, Taner Özgürtaş, Erdem Coşkun, Halil Erol, Gürcan İsmail Safa, Serhat Büyükleblebici
The Effect of cytein and glutation on sperm parametres malondialdehyde and glutatihone peroxidase activities of post thawed bull semen
3th International Congress on Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stress: Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels (22.06.2012 - 27.06.2012)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Mustafa Numan Bucak, Serpil Sarıözkan, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Kinet Hüseyin, Olga Büyükleblebici
The Antioxidative effect of cysteamine hyoluronan and fetuine on post thaw semen parametres of brown swiss bulls
15 annual conferance of the europan society for domestic animal Reproduction (15.09.2011 - 17.09.2011)
Serpil Sarıözkan, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Mustafa Numan Bucak, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Kinet Hüseyin
Effect of some cryoprotectans and antioxsidants on frozen thaved bull sperm motility and motion carcteristics
Annual Conferance of the european society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (esdar) (15.09.2011 - 17.09.2011)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Mustafa Numan Bucak, Kuzugüden Fatih, Serpil Sarıözkan, Umut Taşdemir, Kinet Hüseyin, Serhat Büyükleblebici
The effect of cysteine and glutathione on sperm parameters malondialdehiyde and glutathione peroxidase activities of post thawed bull semen
3rd International Congress on Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stres: Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels (22.06.2010 - 27.06.2010)
Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Mustafa Numan Bucak, Serpil Sarıözkan, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Olga Büyükleblebici
Effect Of Cysteine Fetuin Aminoacid Solution and Antioxidant on Post Thaw Bull Sperms Quality
Uluslararası katılımlı Türk Toksikoloji Derneği Kongresi (15.11.2012 - 18.11.2012)
Umut Taşdemir, Pürhan Barbaros Tuncer, Serhat Büyükleblebici, Emre Durmaz, Taner Özgürtaş, Olga Büyükleblebici